Friday, September 9, 2011

First Week. Done!

I like Kindergarten. Honest. It’s fun! Our first week went better than I had expected. This isn’t to say that I was expecting a catastrophe or anything, of course. But negotiating lessons around a couple of little brothers can be full of excitement, and nature walks with an infant in tow have the potential for real thrills. We managed all of that pretty well, however. Outings happened right after breakfast, math before lunch during the baby’s nap, and language arts in the afternoon during Bubba’s nap.

Here is what we did:

Week of 9/5/11

Math: Reviewed one to one correlation, the concept of greater and lesser, and counting on. Explored our new math manipulatives. Buttercup: “Math is easy. Girls are great at math.”

Science: Read about lions and completed a narration page and animal information worksheet to help us remember. Also took a walk around the pond (so many great creatures!) and explored the downtown beach at sunrise which included finding a freshly dead pelican and several jellyfish. (Note to self: Next time we go to the beach that early, bring a breakfast offering for the homeless under the pier-thing who get woken up by my children running wild.)

Language Arts: Began memorizing “The Caterpillar”, a poem by Christina G. Rossetti. Explored the concept of common nouns applied to family relationships. Reviewed phonetical rules “si”, “ci”, and “ti” as /sh/ and “s” as /zh/. Zipped through the first thirty two pages of the spelling book so that we could get to the first lesson with a word she couldn’t spell off hand without having looked at it first. (She got stumped on “jar.”)

Twelve books made it onto our list of books we read (writing them down is going to be TOUGH to remember), plus we finished listening to an audiobook of Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White. At the library on Wednesday, Buttercup discovered the “Manga” section. I don’t know if these qualify as graphic novels or long comic books – I’ve never read them. Buttercup was fascinated, however, and we brought a Disney themed one home. She can hardly put it down.

1 comment:

  1. WOW Jana. I'm tired just reading your schedule. What a great teaching mom you are!
